About Me

Hi There!

My name is Sadie, and I am a bouncy, rambunctious, and completely loving Golden Retriever.  I was rescued by my Bosses in December of 2013, and sure keep them busy!

In my free time, I love to obliterate stuffed animals, and crush their squeakers.  I also love to chew on anything that I can wrap my little teeth around (although they're not so little anymore).  I looooove people, and swimming whenever possible, and I loooove treats (Mom makes me some pretty tasty treats when I'm good).  I love playing fetch, protecting my yard from the neighborhood walkers, and I looooove hanging out with my other fur friends, whether it be my RAGOM family, other Golden buddies, or my friends that I happen to meet along the way!

More to come as I grow older, I'm sure!  I have a lot of exploring left in me!



  1. I came over from BlogPaws - it's lovely to meet you.
    I love the photographs - I also love playing in water and the snow!

  2. Sadie is known as "Scuba Steve" at her boss' mom's place of work. She dives her head right into her water bowl and goes under.....funny to watch!


Thanks for stopping by! You're "paw"some. I do my best to respond to my "fan mail" within 24 hours of it being received, but please be patient- my paws are pretty clumsy at the keyboard! :)