Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Adventure Dog Tuesday: Yogurt? Oh, a Yuuuuuurt!

Hello, Friends!

I love going out hiking and being in nature!
So, my Bosses and I (and I guess Hunter by association) are very much into the "Great Outdoors", and are always looking into new ways to camp and enjoy nature!

A girl's gotta be able to see the pretty overlook, too!
A few weeks back, Bosses went to REI (because they don't let me in the door) and saw this interesting round tent-looking thing.  Curious, they went inside of it, and there were couches, and cots, and very nice looking things to be camping with!  Usually, our setup is a tent, so this was a completely new concept.

Our tiny little tent from REI- extra long to make sure I can fit, too!
Enter: The "Yurt".  Now, check this thing out!  Talk about a cool idea.  You could even use one of these awesome structures as a cabin, or house, or a place to hang out in nature.  Seriously- how cool?!  They give you all the instructions on this cool infographic, made by "CustomMade" and "Ghergich & Co.".  If you had the means and time to build a yurt, where would you put it?
Click to Enlarge Image

Hunkering Down in a Yurt

Hunkering Down in a Yurt
Infographic by CustomMade

Think you could live in a yurt?  I think it would be simple, rustic, and it screams "HEY, SADIE'S FAMILY!  SLAP ONE OF THESE THINGS ON A PIECE OF LAND BY A LAKE AND YOU WON'T NEED A CABIN (which is the only thing from stopping them from getting a cabin: $$$)!!!" 

*Please note:  I was asked to write about this infographic by Ghergich and Co., but was not compensated in any form.  All opinions are my own.*


  1. Oh yeah I'd happily have a yurt by a beautiful lake in the mountains for our vacation home! Now if we could find that idyllic spot….at the right (ie. cheap) price...

    1. I think a yurt next to a gorgeous Minnesota lake would be just grand! .....once it gets above zero here...... :)

  2. Mom watched a Tiny House show and they lived their yurt
    Lily & Edward

    1. It's a very interesting concept, that's for sure! I'm not sure I'd live permanently in one if my Bosses did.....but seems like an interesting cabin/camping adventure!

  3. Mmmmm, this Princes (!) isn't sure mainly 'cos its raining cats and dogs here at the moment!
    Although I could be persuaded if I could bring blankie with me?
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

    1. Oh dear, yes, I'd way rather be in an established shelter if the elements were getting nasty! Blankies? Oh yes, we love blankies- definitely welcome! ;-)

  4. Interesting idea, but I like the modern conveniences of a real house type structure...go ahead...call me what I am, a spoiled dog. You go ahead and try out a yurt and let us know how it works out ;)

    1. I do like the conveniences of a real house, too. I'm thinking a yurt would be applicable for, say, a summer cabin on a nice Minnesota lake! :)

  5. THAT is very much INTERESTING Info.. Thanks fur sharing it...

    1. I thought it was rather interesting, too. Not so sure I'd use it as a house, but.....a cabin yurt sounds kinda fun! ;-)

  6. Hari OM
    Oh yes, I would totally live in a yurt... If I could find the land of choice!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    1. I think my perfect spot would include: a lake with sand on the bottom, that faces the sunset at night so you can sit next to the lake and watch it go down, a nice open place to romp around, with a dock to jump and fetch tennis balls from! :)

  7. How interesting. But they are telling us NOT to use wood heat here cuz we get inversions and it traps all the pollution in and then we have the worst air in the country!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

    1. Really? No wood heat? Oh man! Bummer! Well, you can come visit us in our hypothetical yurt anytime! ;-)

  8. Sadie, you're so cute!! I don't think I'd live in a yurt but I wouldn't mind camping in one! :D

    1. I think I'd be a yurt/cabin type gal. I don't think I'd live in a yurt, either (as I'm looking outside on -8 raw temperatures....eww). Plop one of these buggers down next to a nice glassy Minnesota lake, however......NOW we're talkin'!

  9. We've actually have investigated yurt living and would do it if we had the chance. We think it sounds fun!

    Monty and Harlow

    1. That's really cool! We'd come visit you in your yurt! We'd build one if we had a lake property out in the middle of nowhere, Minnesota. :) Not sure what the price difference on a house vs. a yurt, but at least it would be something over our heads, and could make it cute and rustic! :)


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