Friday, November 28, 2014


Friday, November 21: announce official review and giveaway.

Hello, all you fantastic readers!

I have been working on this little project for a while now, and today is the day to announce:

I'm having my first giveaway, starting NOW!

I was given 2 different types of chews to review, courtesy of

The first one I tried was their 18" Gullet Ring Stick.  It was cool, because it looked like a lollipop!  This one was the first I tried, and I thought it was really tasty. First off, the thing is huge!  And guess what- the lollipop part can fit over my muzzle.  Kinda cool!  Mom thought it was funny because my schnoz got stuck in it- I just wanted to see her laugh a little bit.

Anywho, the lollipop is nice because it isn't super stinky (all you pet parents know how smelly some sticks can be!) and keeps a dog nice and busy for a while.  This one would be great for the light-to-medium chewer in the house.  I happen to be a heavy and ruthless chewer, so I packed this one away in about 15 minutes.

One thing I'd like to note is that while chewing it, I liked to pull it apart, a little bit like a human would do to a thing of string cheese.  While Mom and Dad really don't care that there are pieces on the ground, one might not enjoy this.  They also were watching me very closely to make sure that I wasn't choking on the pieces.  Everything else was wonderful about it, though, and I highly recommend this as something to put on your list to Santa!

The second ones I tried were the Super Toothpick Tails.  This one was quite different from the first, but if I had to pick only one (between the lollipop and this), I think I would pick these.  These ones smelled SO good (well, at least to me- the humans, not so much).  I could clearly show the Bosses that I preferred these the moment the bag opened.  I took it and hopped around with it for a bit, making sure that I was tenderizing my "prey" before going to town on it. ;-)

I even had my "paw"some friend, Willie, over to share the goodies with me.  Look how much he loves them, too! He and I gobbled them up in about 30 minutes.  It was a great break from an evening of fun playtime, and right after the tails were gone, we were right back to playing!

Check them out!  You can find them at or  They were nothing but great to us- we love 'em!

Oh, and by the way, Thor approves as well- the box was magnificent.  The kitty overlords are very amused. box- Thor-approved.
King Thor is much amused.
*Note: provided us with 1 2-pack of Gullet Lollipops and 1 10-pack of Toothpick tails to try and review.  We did not receive any monetary compensation for writing this review- all opinions expressed in this post are our own.  Winner of the giveaway will receive their prize from directly.*

Monday, November 24, 2014

Mischief Monday- a Thanksgiving SURPRISE!

Hellooooo, Everyone!

We are on Day 3 at Grandma's house- I really do love getting to spend time over there.  Bosses have taken a break from life in Minnesota and are visiting family on the East Coast.  Grandma has a little orange cat named Chloe, whom I love to chase around- she, on the other hand, is not amused by my shenanigans, so I hope I can leave her alone.  We'll see how that goes. :)

And now, for my surprise!

I am having my FIRST giveaway on Sadie the Golden Pup!  I am SO excited to have the opportunity to spread a little "Holiday Cheer" to my readers- so, be on the lookout for what's in store on Friday.

In the meantime, I will be causing mischief fun and good times over at Gran"dog"ma's house while my Bosses are on vacation.  It's pretty fun!  So far, I've been pretty *not* mischievous.  But who knows how long I can keep that up! ;-)

Snoopy's Dog Blog

Friday, November 21, 2014

FitDog Friday: Vacation!

Have you ever felt so worn out that you needed a vacation?

We do! Well, at least the Bosses seem to be pretty drained these days.

My Mom and Dad are leaving this afternoon for the East Coast for a little relaxation with family over the holidays.  So, since I'll be with my Gran"dog"ma, please give me a little slack the next week as I will be many miles away from my keyboard!  I'll be in town, but my computer won't! :)

A dog needs a little vacation every now and again, just like my wiped-out Bosses!
Mom has made sure to pack me all the goodies I need:

  • frozen KONG treats with yogurt and fruit in them (they keep me busy for Gran"dog"ma)
  • my bed
  • my crate
  • my toys
  • food
Mom says I can be a bit of a handful when I'm bored, so these things will ensure that I don't send poor Granny to the looney bin! She loves dogs (and me!), but I'm pretty high-energy- I drive the Bosses bonkers on occasion, too.

My gran"dog"ma's kitty, Chloe!
Know what the best part of Granny's house is (other than the little orange kitty and Granny, of course)?  She has a FENCED-IN YARD!!! So, I can run myself in bigger circles than I could at my house!  Yahoo! I'll be thoroughly exercised every day. :)

Hope you all have a fantastic Friday!
Chloe and I are going to have a "blast" this week! ;-)  Or at least I will!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sepia Saturday: Caturday.

Is this mic on?  Good.

Don't mess with me- I won't give you your hair ties back.

We're pretty sly little buggers, let us tell you.  The slaves (Sadie calls these people the "Boss"?! Psh. They're our slaves.) are up to our shenanigans, but what gives?  We're cats- we do what we want.

I rule this house from as high up as I can.  I look DOWN to my slaves, not UP!

Ruckus the American Eskimo Dog Blog
- See more at:

Wordless Wednesday: Bored Sadie is Bored

Hello, Everyone Out There!

What's going on in that noggin of mine? 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Adventure (Sans Dog) Tuesday: Split Rock Lighthouse State Park

Hello, World!

Well, today, I hate to say it, but....

Bosses ditched me for this trip. :(  You know why?  I wasn't even born yet!

The "morning coffee" spot!
This was Bosses' camping trip from Labor Day weekend, 2013.  I was merely a breeder dog, still in Momma's tummy.  Bosses went up there and camped in the campground right down the hill from the famous lighthouse there.  This place is a little less than an hour up Scenic Highway 61 from Duluth, MN.  It's right along Lake Superior, and Bosses gotta say: it's one of their favorite state parks so far.  I really wish I were with the Bosses for this trip, but alas, there was no physical way that I could be there.  However, Bosses DID say that I did really well in the tent last time and will *maybe* take me there next time! :)
Look at the fog coming off the lake.
So....this is what I have to look forward to:

Beautiful morning out at the "coffee spot"
This campground is all either cart-in/backpack-in/kayak-in campsites.  Bosses like these campsites, because there are no loud motors from either cars or RV's.  It's a little ways off the path from the parking lot, so it's desolate, quiet, and sooooo scenic.  Bosses had to cart their stuff in about 100 feet or so to get to their campsite.  So....not terrible.

View from the campsite in the morning.
The campsites themselves are very spaced apart, which is also nice.  They were at a different campsite for a night on the way to Duluth, and you could practically reach outside of the tent and touch the other campsite's fire ring.  Well, not quite that close, but Mom unzipped the side of her tent, got out, and BAM there was the neighbor like right there, and he waved and said "good morning" while making his coffee.  Definitely not something they're used to!  But....Mom/Dad are friendly people so they made small talk.  Anywho, I digress.  Desolate campsites!

Hot coffee and eggs are ALWAYS on the menu when we camp- even I get a nibble most times!
Mom, Dad, and I all manage to fit in this 2-person "extra-long" backpacking tent.  Impressive, eh?
Waking up to serene and stunning nature was really easy for them here.  While it was brisk in the mornings in September there, they could walk to the rocky shoreline and have their morning coffee.  It was about 50 feet away, and there was a nice log to sit on.  Is there possibly a better place to sit and enjoy a morning?!  Bosses don't think so.

The log the Bosses sat on at their "coffee spot"
There were tons of hiking opportunities, which Mom says I would absolutely love!!!  The trails were lined with fresh, wild raspberries, so getting a snack on the trail was as easy as plucking them off the plants.  Beautiful overlooks, a lighthouse you can tour (no dogs allowed inside though, grrr), a little market on the weekends at the lighthouse where you can buy local things, and even access to the Superior Hiking Trail, if Mom remembers correctly.  It was splendid.

Split Rock Lighthouse.
Really loud horns up at the lighthouse.  Wooooo wooooo!
So, when are we going to take a trip there?! Mom says next year when the weather is nice, they'll book a spot.  Mom says they already have a site booked for us for Labor Day weekend - the best cart-in site at Tettegouche State Park (coming to a blog near you very soon).  So, this park is going to be in our near future! :) It's dog-friendly.  2 paws and 2 thumbs up! :)

View from the lighthouse.
Lake Superior was surprisingly calm when Bosses went up there.
It's a long way down if you somehow fall over the super tall fence!
View from the hiking trail along the lake.  How gorgeous is this?!
View from the lake.  It was beautiful! (The water's chilly, though.  Tons of dogs are usually out here!)
Beautiful day for a hike.  I should've grown up quicker so I could've come along!
Beautiful hiking trail lined with birch trees.
Mom and Dad are those little shadows!  What a nice beach to play fetch on.  Next time!!!
Look at all those trees.
Little creeks flow everywhere along the hiking trail.
Settlers once used this place as a gathering place, and built this cool fireplace!
The beauty of fall up on the North Shore is unsurpassable.  It takes our breath away every time! <3

This post is part of the Adventure Dog blog hop, hosted by DOGthusiast and Tiffany's Diamond Dogs every Tuesday.
Adventure Dog Blog Hop